Partnering For Success - You Don't Have To Do It All Yourself
Date & Time
Monday, October 9, 2023, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Kate Fegley - Superior Essex Communications
Josh Johnson - Fibersmith
Scott McNett - Satellite Connections Inc
Tom Mitchell - netElastic
Josh Johnson - Fibersmith
Scott McNett - Satellite Connections Inc
Tom Mitchell - netElastic
Let's be real, to grow as a BSP, you have to wear many hats so you can deliver the best end user experience possible to maintain customer loyalty. But you don't have to own all of those hats! There are so many wonderful value-added partners in the industry who can help guide you or provide the services for you (white labeled sometimes) to let you 1) get to market fast and 2) deepen your customer relationships creating stickiness and loyalty. The key is figuring out who to work with ... either through a trusted partner who has those relationships readily available to you or working directly with partners you know in the market.
Location Name
Versailles 4 - Paris
Session Type
Master Monday Session